Force X Distance = TORQUE
The position of the Handles to your golf club shaft, and the distance from the grip, increases your swing’s torque or power (i.e. leverage), increasing your ground force and rotational swing speeds.
This Handle positioning and circular rotation through impact brings two forces. A pulling force with the Lead Handle, and a rear end force with the Trail Handle. The Lead handle turns around and up in your swing, while the Trail Handle moves in the opposite direction. This rotational TORQUE creates lag and speed, resulting in your clubhead whipping to the golf ball.
If a force is going to exert a torque, it has to be applied at some point, beside the axis. The farther out you apply force, the more torque you will get for the amount of force you are exerting.
Learn how to put “TORQUE SPEED” through contact in your golf swing with Golf Handles!