2 Handles are always better than 1 !!
The Golf Handles hand separation enhances and highlights each hands role in the golf swing, and trains your swing to hold your lag angle & stop casting, flipping or releasing early! This separation of hands eliminates slack between your arms, so your lead arm and shoulder can lead your body rotation and provide increased force, for maximum club head speed through the impact zone.
The Lead Handle flattens your lead wrist and puts your club in the correct forward position, training your lead side to pull the handle and lead the downswing. This will help you rotate during your downswing, keep the force of the club ahead of the clubhead, and square the club face for consistent ball striking. As the Lead Handle moves around and up in your swing, the Trail Handle will move in the opposite direction, greatly increasing torque and your clubhead speed through contact.
The Trail Handle keeps your swing “In the Slot”, shallows the club with a built up lag angle, releasing that torque and putting all your force into the golf ball for maximum distance!